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- 2022_Journées CNGOF_Session sur les complications urinaires fonctionnelles après chirurgie du prolapsus
- 2021 _ EJOG_Surgical morbidity of total laparoscopic hysterectomy for benign disease
- 2021 _ J. Clin. Med _ Analyse médico-légale des valeurs des gaz sanguins ombilicaux
- 2021_Obstet&Gynecol_Complications vasculaires graves et coeliochirurgie pour indication gynéco bénigne
- 2020_AJOG_Estimation risque de complications en cas d’hysterectomie percoelio pour patho bénigne
- 2020_Bjog_complications selon type hysterectomie
- 2020 _ Obste&Gynecol _ lésions intestinales après hysterectomie pour indication benigne
- 2020 _ Obste & Gynecol _ Modèle d’audit des urgences gynécologiques à haut risque
- 2017_AJOG_Predictors of laparoscopic simulation performance among practicing obstetrician gynecologists
- 2017_AJOG_Surgical-site infection in gynecologic surgery:pathophysiology and prevention
- 2017_AJOG_The feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of hysteroscopic sterilization compared with laparoscopic sterilization
- 2017-AJOG_Major postoperative complications following surgical procedures for pelvic organ prolapse
- 2017_Fertil Steril_Update on fertility preservation
- 2016_HAS_Programmes de récupération améliorée après chirurgie (RAAC) – Synthèse du rapport d’orientation
- 2016_Fertil Steril_Hormonal contraception and thrombosis
- 2016_AJOG_Predictors of 30-day readmission following hysterectomy for benign and malignant indications
- 2015_Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol_Pelvic Surgical Site Infections in Gynecologic Surgery
- 2014_Hum Reprod_Incidence and predictive factors for complications after uterine leiomyoma embolization
- 2013_Mises à jour CNGOF_Complications de l’hystéroscopie opératoire
- 2013_Obstet&Gynecol_Use of guidelines-based antibiotic prophylaxis in women undergoing gynecologic surgery
- 2013_Réalités en GO_Contraception : quoi de neuf ?
- 2013_qualitysafety.bmj.com_Factors that influence the expectative length of operation : Results of a prospective study
- 2013_Obstet Gynecol International_The role of vaginal mesh procedures in pelvic organ prolapse surgery in view of complication risk
- 2013_Obstet&Gynecol_Adverse Events Associated With Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgeries That Use Implants
- 2012_JTA_Gestion des complications précoces en chirurgie gynécologique pelvienne : complications hémorragiques, digestives et urinaires.
- 2010_Acta Obstet Gynecol_Analysis of 136 ureteral injuries in gynecological and obstetrical surgery from completed insurance claims
- 2023_AJOG milking chez le nouveau-né non vigoureux
- 2022_AJOG_Cardiomyopathie et grossesse : méta-analyse
- 2022_BJOG_Variabilité marquée (RCF intrepartum)
- 2022_SMFM_Checklists pour suivi postpartum
- 2022_BJOG_consentement dynamique et plateforme informatique
- 2022_J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod_Méta-analyse sur l’acide tranexamique en prophylactique
- 2022_Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol_Complications des interruptions de grossesse de 12 à 16 SA
- 2022_EJOG_Fetal heart rate patterns in labor and the risk of neonatal encephalopathy : A case control study
- 2022_Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol_Cardiomyopathies du peripartum
- 2022_EJOG_Nulliparous women with an unfavourable cervix at 41 weeks
- 2022_EJOG_Uterine activity in labour and the risk of neonatal encephalopathy : a case control study
- 2022_SMFM_Anticoagulation in pregnant patients with cardiac disease
- 2022_Journées du CNGOF_Session sur l’asphyxie perinatale à terme
- 2022_J Patient Saf_Monitoring Preventable Adverse Events and Near Misses: Number and Type Identified Differ Depending on Method Used
- 2022 _ Healthcare _ Preventable Adverse Events in Obstetrics
- 2022 _ AJOG _ Uptodate on COVID-19 and pregnancy
- 2021 _ AHRQ _ La contribution des erreurs de diagnostic à Morbidité et Mortalité maternelles
- 2021 _ AJOG_effets des exercices de simulation dans le cadre de la dystocie des épaules
- 2021_EJOG_césariennes_travail spontané_travail déclenché
- 2021 _ O&G _ Utilisation pratique des ATB dans les sepsis graves en obstétrique
- 2021_EJOG_Formation des équipes obstétricale par des simulations intégrant les facteurs humains
- 2021_O&G_Evolution du taux de césariennes pendant le travail au Canada entre 1998 et 2018
- 2021_Obstet&Gynecol_Maladie trophoblastique gestationnelle
- 2021_Arch Pediatr_pH eucapnique et transfert en USI
- 2021_Obstet&Gynecol _ Exploration ambulatoire des allergies auto-déclaréees à la penicilline pendant la grossesse
- 2021_AJOG_Risque hémorragique et aspirine pendant la grossesse
- 2021_SMFM_Conseiller en cas de risque accru de morbi-mortalité maternelle
- 2021_SMFM_Evaluer le risque de morbi-mortalité maternelle
- 2021_BJOG _ Training in the use of intrapartum electronic fetal monitoring with cardiotocography
- 2021_SMFM_Consensus sur les criteres echo des placenta praevia
- 2020_Audipog_Pertinence des soins (exemples de la césarienne programmée et du RCF)
- 2020_PLoS One_A systematic scoping review of clinical indications for induction of labour
- 2020_Obstet&GYnecol_Physiopathologie Plexus Brachial
- 2020_Scientific report _ Transcriptomic profile of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes after neonatal encephalopathy
- 2020_International Journal of Obesity_Obésité et mortalité maternelle et implication de la qualité des soins
- 2019_AJOG_Courbes de tavail entre 4 et 6 cm et résultats obstétricaux et neonatals
- 2019_BJOG_Applications des RPC CNGOF sur prevention prematurite
- 2019_Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol_Improving obstetric hemorrhage morbidity by a checklist-based management protocol;
- 2019_Obstet&Gynecol_modele predictif d’hospitaliation maternelle en USI
- 2019_Obstet&Gynecol_Morbidité maternelle sévère après accouchement mort-né ou naissance vivante
- 2018_NEJM_Labor Induction versus Expectant Management in Low-Risk Nulliparous Women
- 2018_J.Physiology_Le chémoréflexe périphérique (RCF)
- 2018_Cohrane_Epidural versus non epidural or no analgesia for pain in labour (Review)
- 2018_Cochrane_Induction of labour for improving birth outcomes for women at or beyond term (Review)
- 2018_Cochrane_Antifibrinolytic drugs for treating primary postpartum haemorrhage (Review)
- 2017_CARO_Embolie amniotique : Diagnostic et traitement revisités
- 2017_AJOG_Impact of evidence-based interventions on wound complications after cesarean delivery
- 2017_BJOG_Do time of birth, unit volume, and staff seniority affect neonatal outcome in deliveries
- 2017_Cochrane_Antenatal and intrapartum interventions for preventing cerebral palsy : an oveview of Cochrane systematic review (Review)
- 2017_Cochrane_Pelvimetry for fetal cephalic presentation at or near term for deciding on mode of delivery (Review)
- 2017_Cochrane_Pushing/bearing down methods for the second stage of labour
- 2017_Cochrane_Position in the second stage of labour for women with epidural anesthesia (Review)
- 2017_Cochrane_Imaging for the exclusion of pulmonary embolism in pregnancy (Review)
- 2017_Obstet&Gynecol_Vasa Previa Diagnosis, Clinical Practice, and Outcomes in Australia
- 2015_J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod_Extraction par forceps : état des connaissances des professionnels des centres hospitaliers du Grand Lyon
- 2015_SFAR_Synthèse des recommandations de 2014 sur les HPP
- 2015_EJOG_Évaluation de la forme simplifiée de la classification du rythme cardiaque fœtal
- 2015_EJOG_Diagnostic anténatal des placentas accreta : apport de l’échographie et de l’IRM dans une population à risque
- 2015_AJOG_Intra- and interobserver agreement among experts in court regarding the review of abnormal fetal heart rate tracings and obstetrical management
- 2014_ Obstet&Gynecol_Implementation of a National Nuchal Translucency Education and Quality Monitoring Program
- 2013_EJOG_The rate of obstetric anal sphincter injuries in Finnish obstetric units as a patient safety indicator
- 2013_BMJ_Association between physicians’ experience after training and maternal obstetrical outcomes
- 2012_Obstet&Gynecol_Preventing Maternal Death : 10 Clinical Diamonds
- 2012_Diaporama_Patient safety & Fetal Heart Monitoring.
- 2011_CARO_Hémorragie du post-partum
- 2011_CARO_Thrombopénies et grossesse
- 2011_CARO_Prééclampsie grave
- 2011_CARO_OAP aux tocolytiques
- 2011_NHS&RCOG_Providing equity of critical and maternity care for the critically ill pregnant
- 2011_CARO_Coronaropathie et grossesse
- 2011_Hôpitaux de Lyon_Checklist sécurité cesarienne
- 2011_JPerinatMed_Every case of asphyxia can be used as a learning example. Conclusions from an analysis of substandard obstetrical care
- 2010_Arch Péd_Asphyxie perinatale à terme : diagnostic, pronostic, éléments de neuroprotection
- 2010_JRSoc Med_Urgency of caesarean section: a new classification
- 2009_Topo A.Lacraz_Embolie Amniotique
- 2009_Thèse_Use and misuse of oxytocin during delivery
- 2009_Congrès_Les Hémorragies du Post Partum
- 2009_NHS_Guidance for using the Maternal Obstetric Early Warning Chart
- 2008_AmJObstetGynecol_Evidence-based labor and delivery management
- 2007_AJOG_Implementation of a conservative checklist-based protocol for oxytocin administration
- 2007_BJOG_Severe asphyxia due to delivery-relatedmalpractice in Sweden
- 2003_J périnat_Defining the True Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology of Neonatal Encephalopathy and Cerebral Palsy
- 1998_BMJ_Antepartum risk factors for newborn encephalopathy
- 1998_BMJ_Intrapartum risk factors for newborn encephalopathy
- 2022_BMJQS_Essai randomisé sur l »évaluation de l’efficacité d’une aide à la reconnaissance et à la gestion de la détérioration clinique
- 2022_J Patient Saf_Patient Safety Issues From Information Overload in Electronic Medical Records
- 2021_Am J Med Qua_Reliability of Patient-Report, Physician-Report, and Medical Record Review to Identify Hospital-Acquired Complications
- 2019_Obstet & Gynecol _ Lecture des notes médicales de consultation par les patientes
- 2012_HAS_Etat de l’Art en matière de pratiques de simulation dans le domaine de la santé
- 2010_HAS_Checklist au bloc opératoire
- 2008_Obstet Gynecol Clinics_ Simulation in Obstetrics and Gynecology