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- 2022_CNGOF_Réhabilitation Améliorée après Chirurgie (RAC)
- 2020_CNGOF_Nouvelle méthodologie pour l’élaboration des RPC
- 2019_NICE Algorithme_Infections materno-foetales précoces
- 2019_Gynerisq Synthèse Recos sur la prévention des TEV en gynécologie-obstétrique
- 2018_ASH_Guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism in the context of pregnancy
- 2018_NICE Algorithme_Diabetes in Pregnancy
- 2018_NICE Texte_Venous thromboembolism in over 16s : reducing the risk of hospital-acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism
- 2017_SFN & SFP_ Prise en charge du nouveau-né à risque d’infection néonatale bactérienne précoce (INBP)
- 2015_RCOG_ Reducing the Risk of Venous Thromboembolism during Pregnancy and the Puerperium
- 2016_CNGOF_Compte rendu d’échographie en gynécologie
- 2015_ACOG_Levels of maternal care
- 2014_SOGC_Thromboembolie veineuse et traitement antithrombotique pendant la grossesse
- 2014_ACOG_The Maternal Early Warning Criteria
- 2013_International Union of Angiology_Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism_International Consensus Statement
- 2013_SFAR_Antibiothérapie probabiliste des états septiques graves (Mises à jour des recos de 2004)
- 2013_ACOG_Magnesium Sulfate use in Obstetrics
- 2005_SFAR & CNGOF_Prévention de la maladie thromboembolique veineuse périopératoire et obstétricale
- 2021_HAS_Guide méthodologique pour l’analyse des EIAS
- 2021_ACOG_Information, consentement et décision partagée en gynécologie-obstétrique
- 2018_CNGOF_Ressources humaines pour les activités non programmées en gynécologie-obstétrique
- 2017_ ACOG_Behavior that undermines a culture of safety
- 2017_ACOG_Disclosure and discussion of adverse events
- 2016_CNGOF_Indicateurs Qualité en maternité
- 2016_ACOG_The use and development of Checklists in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 2016_ACOG_Severe maternal morbidity : screening and review
- 2015_RCOG_ Work and wellbeing in the NHS: why staff health matters to patient care
- 2015_ACOG_Clinical guidelines and standardization of practice to improve outcomes
- 2014_ACOG_Effective Patient-Physician communication
- 2014_ACOG_Preparing for Clinical Emergencies in obstetrics and gynecology
- 2013_ACOG_Coping with the stress of medical professional liability litigation
- 2013_SOGC_Liste de contrôle de la sécurité chirurgicale en obstétrique-gynécologie
- 2012_ACOG_Communication Strategies for Patient Handoffs
- 2012_ACOG_ Disclosure and Discussion of Adverse Events
- 2012_ACOG_Standardization of practice to improve outcomes
- 2012_ ACOG_Fatigue and Patient Safety
- 2012_HAS_Délivrance de l’information à la personne sur son état de santé
- 2011_ ACOG_Disruptive Behavior
- 2011_ACOG_Effective Patient – Physician Communication
- 2011_ ACOG_Empathy in Women’s Health Care
- 2011_ACOG_Partnering With Patients to Improve Safety
- 2011_ACOG_Preparing for Clinical Emergencies in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 2010 ACOG_Patient Safety in the Surgical Environment
- 2010_SSGO_Sécurité des patientes en gynécologie opératoire et en obstétrique
- 2009_ACOG_Patient Safety in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 2009_RCOG_Improving patient safety
- 2008_RCOG_Maternity Dashboard